Liturgical Ministry
As the worshipping community, we are called to active participation in the Mass. Whether in the congregation, or serving, the Church desires are whole heart to be involved in worship.
Serving on the altar during Mass, lectors share the Word of God by reading the first reading (Old Testament) and second reading (New Testament). Lectors also share prayer intentions during Mass in absence of a Deacon.
extraordinary minister of the eucharist
Providing the Eucharist - the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ - to the congregation during the Mass, as well as bringing Communion to those who are ill or homebound.
Altar server & sacristan
Assisting the Priest and Deacon on the altar during the Mass, altar servers and sacristans aide in many different tasks during the Mass, ensuring a cohesive and faithful liturgy experience.
Leading the faithful in sung worship, music ministry aides in enriching our worship and connects us more deeply to the saints in heaven.